Many people use QQ to make friends, socialize, and practice English. It is easy to sign up, but you should read the privacy policies carefully before you do so. In addition, the app may collect certain information such as your mobile phone number, which is used for account verification and obtaining your password. This information is important for your safety. However, you can opt not to receive such messages. You can also register for QQ on your PC.
To register on QQ online, you should first download the Chinese version and install it on your desktop or mobile phone. This is required for the verification process, and you should use a local Chinese phone number. You should avoid using a fake or virtual mobile number to create a new account, since this can result in lots of failures. To register, you should use your PC or laptop, and log into your account within three days.
Once you have downloaded the app, you should make a new account. Login to your account to verify it. Once you have completed the registration process, you can start using the application. Once you have an account, you can add friends and contact them via the app. If you haven't already, you can also create an account on your phone, but you should be sure to log into your QQ account before the end of the day.
If you're an Asian person, you should try QQ on your mobile phone. Its Chinese version is easier to use than the one on a laptop, and it supports all Chinese phone numbers. If you don't have a local cell phone number, you can use a fake one. Once you have registered, you need to log in and log out every three days to ensure your identity is real. You can use your QQ account to transfer large files and meet new friends.
The QQ online platform has over 200 million users. During peak usage, it can reach 176 million people. Although the Chinese language interface is unique to the website, the service is still popular among international users. It supports more than 50 different languages. Unlike other applications, it is possible to use QQ in various countries. If you're looking for a new account, make sure to register in a few countries. You must log in to your account within three days to ensure that your identity is valid.
The QQ online platform has become a very popular chatting platform for Chinese users. It has a global reach and is used by many businesses in China. With its free membership and no application fees, you can connect with people from different countries. As a result, you'll make more friends and build stronger business connections. The QQ online service platform also has real-time translations to make your conversations easier. This allows you to communicate with people from all over the world.